Destroy the FEAR.

These are some pictures that I found really motivating. I hope they light up the spark of bravery and madness in you.
Stay fearless. Stay motivated. Stay alive.

Face the world
Be like lee





Attitude reloaded 😝

Allergic to ‘E’ challenge.


I don’t know if you know what I plan to say. All I know is I know what I say and what I say is unknown to you. Today is fourth of July. Third was an important day. It was my birthday. Although your sharp mind knows it all, your anonymity said all that you couldn’t. It had hurt this soul in a way nothing can. That’s unfair of you, that’s filthy.

Thank you Asil for the challenge. It was difficult framing sentences without an E. I hope I have succeeded in writing the paragraph.

What do you do in the Allergic To “E” Challenge?

Write a whole paragraph ( a paragraph sounds easy right?) without any word containing the letter “e” (still easy for ya?)By reading this you are already signed up.Challenge at least five bloggers to do the challenge. They must do it within 24 hours or it is considered as failure.If you fail or pass, suffer in the Hall of NoobsIf you win, wallow in the Hall of WeYou will receive a pingback to your post to know if you have passed or failed.To make it easy for me to keep track of your progress, link it back to this post.

I nominate all those who read this post.