Love…. A blur..

Scary how true it is..

           She was sitting on the same cliff, with a picture of her man in her hands. She travelled back in time; back to when he came in her life, giving it a different turn altogether. The hands of the clock ticked reversely and the pages of the calender flown five years backwards.

It was 2010. They were enjoying the morning breakfast. The sun looking down at them with awe. They savoured their meal in silence respecting the aura around them. They sat under the impressive open sky, the birds flying gracefully, chirping, awaking those who were still in slumber.
His words took her by surprise. With one hand on the open small box displaying a lovely ring and the other one holding her hand. He said,

“Darling, I do not know why have we met. I do not know the purpose of God bringing us together. All i know is, now that you have come, Im not going to leave this oppotunity of expressing my true feelings to u. Indeed, I love u. Will u love me till we can no longer love each other?” His words eniced her. Hypnotized her. Riveted her.  She was unable to contain her happiness. All she could do was hug him in approval. And she did. It was the best decision she had ever made. And then they were married.

They became happy lovers with devotion for each other. They spent their time walking on the beach, dining in restaurants, setting out on an odyssey for a week sometimes, loving, fancying, talking, arguing, laughing, and adoring each other. She never knew she would not relish this moment again. She never knew she was so attached to him. She never knew life gave her only one chance. If she knew, then, things would have been different. She reminisced.
All about him.
She was nostalgic.
She knew not when her face became moist. Strewn with tears. For she was remiscing. Her heart was full. Her eyes overflowed. Her bloodshot eyes. She wasn’t crying. Her emotions were liberting themselves. She tried convincing herself she was strong. For if she had been weak….
She had transpired a year without him. How, she only knew. Her heart broke. Its sound of deafening silence.

Every single day, she saw him. His handsome face, his smiling eyes, his lips curved into a mischevious grin. He bringing her flowers. He chasing after her. He caring and loving her. Loving her like none did. Those euphoric feelings she could never describe.

She wished she could go in the past and save him from slipping off the cliff. She wished she wouldn’t have insisted him on coming to this rocky place. She wished for miracles. If only she knew….
She now knew the value of life. Its worth. Its importance. Life can change lives.

The roaring waves beneath brought her back to reality. All what remained were his memories that she would cherish for the rest of her life and a photograph she embraced; that blurred away with passing time..

Author: Alisha

A writer living in Mumbai.

44 thoughts on “Love…. A blur..”

  1. Touching story written so beautifully… Awesome selection of words.. Good flow.. I can see a “bestseller” author.. Coming Soon… Keep it up.. Keep writing.. Good work.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Life really is precious. It’s truly heart wrenching to know that sometimes it takes losing a life just to realize its worth. and that no matter what you do, there’s no filling that emptiness that settles into your core. It’s terrible, but it’s just how it is, unfortunately.
    You did a great job fostering the emotion. Beautifully worded 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Alsiha,
    Today, is one of the most wonderful day of my life, do you know, why????????????Yes, when, I log-in my blog, I found that your love was lying in the form of likes on my various posts, in fact, as a being very much content person, I always happy with whatever little GOD gives me, so, I was just expecting one very simple, crystal clear, pure rain drop, straight from heaven, but, merciful, GOD send the heavy rain, thanks for showering me with your pure,innocent and very sweet love, still, I am wet and in spite of chances of getting pneumonia, I would like to wet for ever.
    Wishing you all the best……………

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s sad but written beautifully.
    Somethings happen in life, and if given a chance, we would go back to that very moment and alter the sequence altogether. But, as we all know, it’s not possible. This story reflects boundless emotions, and a struggle to stay strong. Great piece Alisha!
    You’ve quite a blog our here! 🙂
    Keep writing!

    Liked by 1 person

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