Why is blogging important for career development?

Blogging is a baby step towards a full grown career as a writer.

I did not reckon the power of writing blogs until I got hired.

Writing + blogging + interest = money
Blog – For a boost to your writing career

 Men have been writing blogs all around the world, filling the fertile web space with words of wisdom. Apart from food, technology, poems, love, sports and musings, we have had blog posts on  reviews, makeup, music, cats, dogs, fake science, babies, funny babies, cute babies, ugly babies, and babies who had no thread of an idea what was being written on them. 

In spite of unnecessary and cruel words being splashed on blogs, websites and webpage, they have become more important for career development than ever before. Potential writers have been struggling with their lives, trying to find a job that will harness their skills. Hence, this blog for all those who are willing to know where to begin. 

Experience speaks for me and I’m giving you four point listicle that affirms why blogging is essential for a successful career in writing. 

1) It beautifies your portfolio 

Beautify is the incorrect term to use because a blog post does more than that. It adds value to your portfolio. For a writer, a strong portfolio comprises of the number of articles published, quality of writing and the number of reviews (likes, comments, share) she gets. 

2) It is the first thing a recruiter sees 

I’m not a great writer myself (a good one, you might say), but having worked for a couple of start ups have given me a concrete idea that recruiters do not give you a call, asking you to walk down for an interview merely on the basis of your resume. There’s something more to it. And that’s your blog. A recruiter will know that your sample articles will give him a glimpse of your best work but to know how you write on an average, he will visit your blog. A recruiter once told me, “I don’t see sample articles because I know what it will contain. I read blogs to get a hang of what the candidate writes, how she writes it and how it is liked by the blogger community.” That explains itself.

3) Practice makes perfect 

Coffee, book and pen
A book and a pen is all you need

A sportsperson feeds on practice to master his game, a singer rehearses regularly to train his vocals, likewise, a writer must write and read as much she can to improve. Don’t have the predetermined notion of what if I make grammatical errors, what will they think, what if someone else has written better than me on the same topic.. No! Whether it has been already written about, whether you are weak in vocabulary but strong with ideas and it’s execution, you have no reason to worry. Get on with it. Get over with it! Practice, read, learn from your mistakes. Failures and experiences are the best teacher. A hundred bad blog post doesn’t mean the end of your world. If you are hell bent on having the best blog in the world, no body will stop you. Attend workshops, research, talk to writers to help you get started. But accomplishments, you have to achieve alone. 

4) Get to know the blogging world 

It’s as easy as it sounds. You create a blog, you get a comment on your blog. You interact with the blogger, and you become friends! The blogger community is ever so friendly. It’s always there, open to welcome you a thousand times. For instance, I don’t blog for weeks but whenever I come up with a post, I’m treated as though I was never away. It’s wonderful to know how different bloggers craft their thoughts into words, into awesome poetry and fictional stories. You learn writing, you learn writing for different genres, you know how one mundane topic can be presented in different perspectives. It’s amusing. It’s a different world altogether. 

From a blogger, to a content writer, to a script writer and now a copywriter, I have experienced different phases of writing and continue to do so. I hold blogging liable for the way my career is being shaped. For if it wasn’t for this invincible and mini-world, I would have no place to showcase my ideas.